IAPS was a dream of a group of scientists working in different fields of physical sciences. In view of the growth of scientific-technological knowledge and the experiences of its application for the betterment of human society; they realized that it would be increasingly difficult to draw a dividing line to sharply differentiate between the various branches of Physical Sciences. Keeping this fact in view they decided to form a common platform for interactive discussions and interdisciplinary approaches among the scientists involved in the pursuit of knowledge in different subjects. International Academy of Physical Sciences was founded with its headquarters at Allahabad on December 4, 1994, to meet the above goals and objectives. This culminated into a foundation conference in which several scientists from different streams deliberated on interdisciplinary approaches towards conflict resolution for world problems. The Academy is conceived as a scientific body incorporating various branches of Physical, Mathematical, and Earth Sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Geology, Geophysics and Geography, Computer Science, Informatics, Biochemistry, Biophysics, etc. The IAPS is a scientific organization of recent origin but it has already made its mark by involving in it through membership, fellowship, and activities, a large number of scientists of India and abroad, and its publications are helping in the expansion of scientific knowledge.